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Student Complaint Form

Information submitted through this online Complaint Form are immediately received through the system and reviewed. In the event of an immediate emergency, contact the University Police at 812-237-5555..

Once the information is received, a university staff member will review and direct the information to the appropriate office for resolution. In most cases, the student will be contacted by a member of the Office of the Dean of Students to discuss the issue. Please know that you, and any individuals you identify in the report, may be contacted to provide further information. No anonymous reports will be accepted through this complaint process.

If you wish to file a complaint against an employee of ISU, you should complete this form. A member of the Office of the Dean of Students will contact you to assist in navigating the process. If the complaint is identified as a grievance through review procedures with appropriate staff, there are additional steps that must be taken by you before a complaint will be heard by the Student Grievance Committee.

If you have any questions regarding a situation and/or have questions regarding this form, please contact the Dean of Students Office, at 812-237-3829.

Reporter Information

Email address must be of a valid format.
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If multiple incidents, select the date of first incident. Clarify mulitple dates in the narrative.
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Room Number, Office, Landmark

Involved Parties

Please provide as much information as possible regarding those involved. Alleged/respondent is the person you are filing the report against. Witness/Bystander is anyone whom you feel witnessed or has direct knowledge of the incident. If you are submitting the report on behalf of someone else, please list the individual whom you feel is the victim/complainant.

Involved party 1


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Supporting Documentation

Photos, video, email, and other supporting documents may be attached below. 5GB maximum total size.
Attachments require time to upload, so please be patient after submitting this form.
