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Student Complaint Form

Completed reports will be reviewed by a staff member during normal hours of operation, Monday-Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm. A staff member may contact you to gather additional information, and/or provide support and resources, as applicable. When completing this form, please include your name, title, and contact information. 

If you have questions about this process prior to filing a concern, please contact the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities at (301) 546-0887 or email us at

Though anonymous complaints are permitted, the omission of your name and important contact information will limit the College’s ability to investigate and respond.  If this is not the correct form, please use this link.

Background Information

Email address must be of a valid format.
This field is required.
This field is required.
This field is required.

Please identify who is involved in the complaint (including yourself, staff or faculty members)

Involved party 1


Please be sure to answer each question related to your complaint.

This field is required.
Does your complaint relate to a grade complaint or a non-grade complaint?
This field is required.
This field is required.
This field is required.
This field is required.
This field is required.
What method of communication was used?(Required)
You must make at least one selection.
What Division does your complaint relate to?(Required)
You must make at least one selection.
This field is required.
This field is required.
This field is required.
By checking the 'I agree' box below, I am agreeing that I am submitting an electronic signature.(Required)
This field is required.
If, grade complaint, identify the issues.(Required)
You must make at least one selection.
This field is required.
This field is required.

Supporting Documentation

Photos, video, email, and other supporting documents may be attached below. 5GB maximum total size.
Attachments require time to upload, so please be patient after submitting this form.
