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Coastline College Reporting Form

Background Information

Please use this form to submit a report related to any of the following:

-Student Conduct Violation (including academic misconduct)

-Sexual Misconduct (Title IX)

-Student Assistance Referral

-Behavioral Assessment Team (BAT) Referral

-Mental Health Referral-use this form (copy and paste this link):


If this is a life threatening emergency, please call 911.

If this incident involves an injury or poses an immediate threat of harm to any person, please contact Campus Public Safety at (714) 241-6040.


While anonymous reports are accepted, you are STRONGLY encouraged to provide your name and contact information so we can most effectively address the matter. Not knowing the identity of the reporter can make it more difficult to assess and address the situation you've reported as we are unable to contact you for more information. 

Email address must be of a valid format.
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This field is required.

Involved Parties

Involved party 1


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This field is required.
If you wish this report is a Behavioral Assessment Team (BAT) Referral (Concerning Behaviors)/Student Assistance, is the student aware that a report is being submitted on their behalf? If this is not a Behavioral Assessment Team (BAT) Referral (Concerning Behaviors)/Student Assistance Report, reply below as NA.(Required)
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This field is required.
This field is required.

Supporting Documentation

For all incidents involving academic dishonesty please provide supporting documents (i.e., syllabus, student assignment, student communications, etc.). PDF-format preferred 5GB maximum total size.
Attachments require time to upload, so please be patient after submitting this form.
