Danville Area Community College Logo

Complaint/Grievance Form

When a member of the DACC community experiences a situation or a conflict in which he or she thinks his/her rights have not been fully recognized or have been compromised in some manner, the situation may be resolved by following the College's process for the resolution of complaints/grievances. Grievances may be resolved on an informal basis or on a formal basis. Every attempt will be made to resolve grievances at the point of origin on an informal basis. If resolution to a complaint/grievance is not successfully addressed to the stakeholder’s satisfaction on an informal basis, then he/she may pursue resolution through the formal process. The complete process with respect to Student Complaint/Grievances and Resolution Procedures is presented in the DACC Student Handbook at https://dacc.edu/student-handbook


The information requested below will help the College complete a full investigation. If a reporter fails to provide any identifying or contact information, it may limit our ability to look into or fully respond to the complaint.

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Examples include student, community member, faculty, or staff.
Email address must be of a valid format.
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Please indicate if information will be helpful to investigation.
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Please provide information about the people involved and any witnesses that would be helpful to the investigation/complaint review. The College understands that the information reported is to the best of your knowledge.

Involved party 1


Please respond to the questions below to help us expedite our investigation.

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Please provide copies of any supporting documentation that may assist the us with our review process. 5GB maximum total size.
Attachments require time to upload, so please be patient after submitting this form.


Please select the DACC Officials you would like cc'd (copied) in regard to this report.
Please select the DACC Officials you would like cc'd (copied) in regard to this report.
