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Appeal Form

This form is used if you would like to appeal a conduct case. For complete information about the appeals process at Gustavus including the two grounds for appeal, consult the Gustie Guide section on Appeals. An electronic copy of the entire Gustie Guide is available on the Dean of Students webpage and paper copies are available in the Dean of Students Office.

Case Information

Please provide the information relevant to your case in the sections below. This form must be submitted within five (5) business days of the date of your conduct decision/citation letter.

This field is required.

Your Contact Information

Involved party 1

Basis and Rationale for Appeal

In the area below, please select the basis of your appeal and also provide narrative information for the item(s) relevant to your reason(s) for appeal. The grounds for Appeal must state with specificity the facts upon which such claims of error are made. The individual must demonstrate to the Conduct Coordinator via this application that reasonable grounds for the Appeal exist. The more thorough and specific you can be in your explanation, the more carefully your appeal can be considered.

Please indicate the basis of your appeal. Check all that apply.(Required)
You must make at least one selection.
This field is required.
This field is required.
This field is required.
Who was your conduct officer (signor of your letter)?(Required)
You must make at least one selection.

Supporting Documentation

Please submit any additional information which could be helpful in considering your appeal. Documents should be converted to .pdf form before uploading if at all possible. 5GB maximum total size.
Attachments require time to upload, so please be patient after submitting this form.
