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Academic Dishonesty Report

This report is used for faculty to report incidents of Academic Dishonesty within a specific course and any academic penalty imposed as a result, and should be completed after communicating with the student about the incident

You should retain original copies of any test, paper, or plagiarized material until the deadline has passed for the student to challenge your decision through the Academic Complaint Process, which can be found in the Student Code of Conduct. You are welcome to upload copies of supporting documentation at the bottom of this form for record-keeping purposes. Note that this report may be reviewed by the student, the department chair, the Dean, and the Provost - please do NOT write your private personal contact information or any other information that you do not want others to see. If you have any questions, please contact the Student Conduct Office at studentconduct@harpercollege.edu.

The default policy of Harper College is that students may not withdraw from the course after an Academic Dishonesty Report had been submitted in an attempt  in order to avoid the academic penalty/consequences imposed, though exceptions may be made with permission from the reporting instructor.    Should you wish to allow the student to withdraw with no additional penalty, please note so on Question #7 below.    Otherwise,  please monitor whether the student attempts to withdraw from the course and,if so, please contact the Student Conduct Office to have the student adminstratively re-enrolled back into the course.

Background Information

Please be advised that the student(s) referred will receive a copy of this report. Please provide the following:

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Please do not include your personal or cell phone number
Email address must be of a valid format.
This field is required.

Student(s) Alleged of Academic Dishonesty

Please provide the correct spelling of each student's name as well as his/her Harper ID number. You only need to submit one incident report for each act of dishonesty (i.e. if multiple students were involved in cheating together, you only need to submit one incident report form. If several students individually plagiarized on an assignment independent from each other, you should submit one incident report for each)

Involved party 1

Incident Information

Please provide the following information about the incident.

1. Nature of Violation (choose as many as apply):(Required)
You must make at least one selection.
This field is required.
3. What was the outcome of your discussion with the student about the incident?(Required)
You must make at least one selection.
This field is required.
5. What Academic Penalty did you impose for the dishonesty that occurred?(Required)
You must make at least one selection.
This field is required.
7. The default policy of Harper College is that students may not withdraw from the course after an Academic Dishonesty Report had been submitted in an attempt in order to avoid the academic penalty/consequences imposed, though exceptions may be made with permission from the reporting instructor. Do you grant permission for this student/these students to withdraw from the course without further penalty?(Required)
This field is required.
8. Please be aware that if the student has engaged in prior academic dishonesty, if this incident is egregious, or if the dishonesty is not related to a specific course, the student may also be charged through the formal student conduct process in addition to receiving the academic penalty you imposed. For most first time incidents of academic dishonesty, your filing of this report, communicating with the student, and imposing any academic penalty serve as appropriate consequences. Institutional consequences are determined by the Student Conduct Office and can include a variety of responses, including educational activities, probation or expulsion from the College.(Required)
This field is required.
This field is required.
This field is required.
This field is required.

Supporting Documentation

While not required, helpful supporting documentation can be added here including: the student(s)' paper or test; downloaded video of testing environment (including through online services); original content that was plagiarized; copies of answer sheets, etc. 5GB maximum total size.
Attachments require time to upload, so please be patient after submitting this form.
