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Discrimination & Harassment Reporting Form

Please submit this form to report an incident of discrimination, harassment, or assault (based on ability, age, ethnicity, gender, gender expression, race, sex or sexual orientation) to the Title IX Coordinator/Interim ADA and 504 Coordinator.

It is our practice to reach out to the reporting party (and/or the victim if different and if known) to explore the report and options prior to opening any formal investigation. 


You may submit this form anonymously, however, our ability to respond to anonymous reports may be limited. Items marked with an "*" are required.

Your Information

Please complete the following information about yourself, as the person submitting the report. If you prefer to remain anonymous, please leave this section blank.

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Student, Staff, Faculty, RA, etc.
Email address must be of a valid format.
This field is required.
This field is required.
This field is required.
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If the date is unknown, please select today's date and explain further in the incident description.
This field is required.

Involved Parties

Please list the name of all parties who are being reported to have violated college policy (as Responding Party role), the name of the party or parties who are being reported as victims (as Complainant role), and any potential witnesses to the event(s). Include any identifiable information about each person that is known to you.

Involved party 1

Incident Description

This field is required.
If you are not the complainant/victim, is that person(s) aware that you have submitted this report?(Required)
This field is required.
This field is required.

Supporting Documentation

Photos, video, email, and other supporting documents may be attached below. 5GB maximum total size.
Attachments require time to upload, so please be patient after submitting this form.
