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Student Complaint/Grievance Form

This form is to allow students to file a grievance in accordance with the Student Standards of Conduct and Grievance Procedure AP 1.06. A Student must adhere to the steps outlined in the policy.

Complaint/Grievance Information

When students disagrees with how something was handled by an employee of the institution, they are encouraged to first speak with that employee to try to rectify the situation. There are times that the situation might not be resolved and in those circumstances, students have the right, using the Complaint/Grievance Procedure for Nicolet College Students, to:

A. Contest a policy or practice of the College or College employee that is considered improper or unfair, or;

B. Contest situations where there has been deviation from or misapplication of a policy or practice unrelated to discrimination.

Type of Complaint or Grievance

For each step in the grievance procedures, you must submit a separate form, as appropriate based on the step.

If this is an initial complaint/grievance, please select Initial below. 

If this is to appeal the result of a previously filed complaint/grievance, please select Appeal below. 

Students have the right to appeal on the following grounds:

  1. They may appeal the sanction (if there was one)
  2. They may appeal the decision of the supervisor.
  3. They may appeal if there was an instance of a due process violation.
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Please identify if this is an initial complaint/grievance or an appeal.
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Please refer to AP 1.06.

Involved Parties

Your Information

You must enter your information first if you are choosing to identify yourself.

It is your right to submit this without your information. However, if you choose not to identify yourself, please be aware that the College may not be able to further investigate your complaint/grievance or help provide you with a remedy.  

College Employee Information

You must then choose “Add another person” and then add the College employee's information you are filing a complaint or grievance against and/or the name(s) of the individual(s) who has rendered a decision you disagree with.

Involved party 1

Statement of Complaint/Grievance

Please describe, in as much detail as possible, your complaint or grievance.  If this is an appeal, please be sure to include why you are appealing.  

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Supporting Documentation

Photos, video, email, and other supporting documents may be attached below. 5GB maximum total size.
Attachments require time to upload, so please be patient after submitting this form.
