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Appeal Request

Appeal Instructions & Contact Information

Only students who attend and participate in a hearing have the opportunity to appeal a decision. An appeal may not be submitted on behalf of a student by a third party (such as a parent, advisor, or attorney).

All requests for an appeal must be submitted within 5 business days of the date on which the hearing decision letter was sent. Requests must be submitted by no later than 5:00 pm. on the 5th business day. Late requests will be accepted for good cause only.

Email address must be of a valid format.

Person/Organization Appeal Information

If you are appealing a decision as the complainant or respondent, enter your first and last name in the "Your Name/Organization" field, select the appropriate role, and enter your University Identification Number (UIN).

If you are the representative of a student organization and are using this form to submit an appeal on the organization's behalf, please enter the name of the organization in the "Your Name/Organization" field and select the appropriate role. The UIN for student organizations should be the password used to access the organization's outcome letter, not the UIN of the student organization representative submitting this appeal request.

Involved party 1

Appeal Information

Students may appeal a decision for one or more of the four reasons listed below. Please identify which of the listed reason(s) serve as the basis for your appeal by using the space provided under each reason to fully explain why that reason applies to your case.

If one or more of the reasons for appeal are not applicable to your request, please type "Not Applicable," as you cannot submit this form until all fields with a red asterisk (*) have text in them.

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Supporting Documentation

Use this section to submit additional information/facts that support your appeal request. It is not necessary to attach copies of your outcome letter or any documentation sent to you in preparation for your hearing. If you are appealing on the basis of new information that was not previously available at the time of the hearing, any new information should be addressed above and/or uploaded with the appeal request if you wish for it to be considered when deciding your appeal. 5GB maximum total size.
Attachments require time to upload, so please be patient after submitting this form.
