Saginaw Valley State University Logo

General Complaint Form

This form is for individuals with an issue or complaint of dissatisfaction with a person, service, or process that requires clarification, investigation, and/or resolution. SVSU is committed to appropriate resolution of complaints as efficiently and effectively as possible. We believe providing a mechanism for complaints to be heard gives us the opportunity to improve our services. If this is a grade related issue, follow the Student Grade Grievance Procedure.

Please complete below to the best of your ability.

Reporter's Information

Whenever possible, we encourage that incidents are resolved directly with the staff or department involved. Often a complaint can be resolved in this way. However, if an informal approach is neither successful or advisable, General Complaint Form should be submitted.

Email address must be of a valid format.
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Exact room number

Involved Parties

Please fill in the information you can provide about all of the individuals involved (including yourself). For non-students, please list a Drivers License or State ID number in the block labeled SID. If the DL or state ID is from a state other than Michigan, please begin the ID with the state abbreviation. (ex. Ohio=OH).

Involved party 1


This form should be submitted immediately. This generally ensures the availability of all parties involved in the complaint. When completing the Complaint Form, the reporter is expected to provide detailed responses to all of the following questions as it relates to the complaint:

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This field is required.

Supporting Documentation

Attach any supporting documents. 5GB maximum total size.
Attachments require time to upload, so please be patient after submitting this form.

Select copy recipients

Select from the list, any that you would like sent a copy of your initial form.
Select from the list, any that you would like sent a copy of your initial form.
