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Honor Code Accusation Report

This form is to be filled out (along with supporting documents being sent) when a faculty member/instructor or student suspects an incident of academic misconduct. The Honor Code has final discretion on non-academic sanctions based on the student’s record and the seriousness of the violation.

Please note that a student who withdraws from the course after an alleged violation occurs may be administratively re-enrolled by the faculty, as an academic sanction. For more information on this, please contact your department.

*Please provide all supporting documents at the time of the accusation. You may attach files to this report, e-mail

Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution will only accept reports of suspected Honor Code violations made within 40 calendar days from the date of discovery of the suspected violation.

Background Information

Email address must be of a valid format.
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i.e. Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science
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Fall 2019
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in-person or virtual
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Please include course subject, catalog and section number (i.e. MATH1112-001)

Involved Parties

Involved party 1


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Supporting Documentation

Please upload applicable syllabus and any supporting documentation. Failure to provide course syllabus and/or supporting documentation may result in your referral being closed with no action taken. 5GB maximum total size.
Attachments require time to upload, so please be patient after submitting this form.
