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Authorization for Release

This is an authorization for release of confidential health information from your treating professional. This release must be received in order for the appropriate University personnel to be able to communicate with the treating professional to make an informed decision regarding your application for readmission to the University following a medical withdrawal.

Treating Professional's Information

Email address must be of a valid format.
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RC Student: male and/or Richmond-identifying; WC Student: female and/or Westhampton-identifying
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This date of submission, today's date, will serve as the start date for Authorization for Release.

Student Information

Involved party 1

Authorization and Treating Health Professional Information

I understand that I MUST print, complete, and upload the Authorization for Release Form below in the "Upload your Authorization for Release Form here" section to authorize the health professional listed in this form to share confidential and relevant health information to the University by providing a treatment summary and necessary recommendations for the purpose of determining my readiness to return to Richmond, coordinating follow-up treatment, and developing an appropriate behavioral contract (if needed).(Required)
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Upload your Authorization for Release Forms here

Print, complete, and upload this Authorization for Release Form now. The form must be completed in full and signed. 5GB maximum total size.
Attachments require time to upload, so please be patient after submitting this form.
