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Faculty Scholastic Dishonesty Report Form

This form should be used to report violations of the Scholastic Dishonesty policies as found in Chapter 8 of the MOPP. This report should be submitted in accordance with your departments policy on academic integrity and scholastic dishonesty. You may handle the instance of academic misconduct on your own and submit this form for your records, or you may use this form to forward the incident to our office directly.

Per the student code of conduct, all students have a right to appeal and submitting this report form allows the Office of Judicial Affairs to inform students of their rights to a full hearing and rights to appeal, while alleviating the liability of faculty members.

Please fill out this form after meeting with the student and assessing a sanction or if you are forwarding this directly to our office.

If you have concerns about the well-being of a student, please submit a Behavior Intervention Report Form.
If you need to report an alleged incident regarding sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, or sexual assault, please submit a Title IX Report Form.

Here is an additional list of resources for you, or the student involved:
24/7 Crisis Line | 903.566.7254
Student Services
Student Accessibility and Resources | 903.566.7079
Student Counseling Center | 903.565.5746
Testing Center | 903.565.5693
Center for Students in Recovery | 903.566.7406
Student Health and Wellness | 903.566.7067

Background Information

Please note that if you do not include your contact information, Student Conduct staff may be unable to follow up with you or to investigate the case and take any action.

Email address must be of a valid format.
This field is required.
Learn more
If there are additional violations, please include them in the description section below.
This field is required.
This field is required.

Involved Parties

Please provide the information of all students involved in the instance of academic misconduct.

Involved party 1


Please answer each of these to the best of your ability. If you have any questions, please call 903.565.5946. At the end of this form, you will be provided an opportunity to attach any necessary documentation.

This field is required.
Is this an online course?(Required)
This field is required.
This field is required.
Is this the students' first academic misconduct case? (You may contact the Office of Student Conduct (903.565.5946) to determine if a student has had any prior instance of academic misconduct.)(Required)
This field is required.
Has the student accepted the sanctions, or is this being forwarded to our office for action?(Required)
This field is required.
This field is required.
This field is required.
Based upon the alleged act of academic misconduct above, what sanction did you impose?(Required)
You must make at least one selection.
This field is required.
I understand that students have a right to appeal this decision. That appeal must be submitted to the Office of Student Conduct within 14 days of the submission of this form. I understand that the Office of Student Conduct will reach out to the student, after this form has been submitted in order to inform them of their rights to appeal and their rights to a full hearing. I understand that the Office of Student Conduct will wait to close the case fully until a response from the student has been received. If no response is received within 14 days, this case will be considered closed unless otherwise directed.(Required)
This field is required.

Supporting Documentation

Please upload all information relevant to this course and this academic misconduct incident.

We will need you to provide:
1) A copy of your syllabus
2) Evidence of academic dishonestly (i.e. test scores, crib notes, plagiarized papers, etc.)
3) Any communications you have had with the student regarding this incident.

5GB maximum total size.
Attachments require time to upload, so please be patient after submitting this form.
