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Housing Damage Prevention Appeal

If a floor/cube or hall believe that they are being billed unfairly for public area damages, they have the opportunity to appeal the charge to the University Housing Peer Review Board. Appeals must be submitted within 5 business days of the Notice of Damages form being posted.

A student may appeal a DPP charge for the following reason(s):
• Amount of charge
• Charged to incorrect living area
• Should not be a DPP charge

The University Housing Peer Review Board (PRB) will review all submitted appeals. After reading the appeal submitted by the student and information submitted from the Hall Director of the building the board will make a decision regarding the appeal. All appeal decisions are final and cannot be appealed. The student appealing will be notified of the board’s decision and if a change in the DPP charge has occurred then all students affected will be notified.

Please note:
• DPP charges are only community (floor/hall) based not a personal charge. Personal charges questions go to your Hall Director.
• If you have information that would hold an individual(s) responsible please inform your Hall Director.
• The following are NOT grounds to appeal:

1. Absence from floor/cube or hall- Absence from the floor or residence hall where the damage occurred does not relieve a resident from responsibility for damages. The floor/cube or residence hall is a community in which everyone is responsible for the public areas.
2. Accidents- Whether or not damages are accidental, it does not relieve students of responsibility for damages or cleaning charges.
3. Damages caused by guests- Residents are responsible for the behavior of their guests. Damages that may be caused by guests become the responsibility of the residents if the guests do not take responsibility themselves.

For more information about the Damage Prevention program go to and select Polices button on the right.

Appeal Information

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This field is required.

Involved party 1


Who is being charged?(Required)
You must make at least one selection.
This field is required.
This field is required.
On what grounds are you making this appeal(Required)
You must make at least one selection.
This field is required.
This field is required.
