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Fundraising/Community-Based Learning Activity Proposal

For every club, student organization, student or class project that involves fundraising or working with or for the community, specific guidelines need to be followed. Please read through the guidelines listed below then complete the form to provide specific information regarding your proposed activity.

Fundraising/Activity Guidelines:

    • Donations to a club, organization or class project are not considered a tax deductible donation. Only donations to the Foundation are eligible for a tax deduction.


    • Promotion of alcohol and/or tobacco is prohibited at all times. This includes:


      • Event cannot be held at bar or tavern


      • Alcohol cannot be present at event


      • Alcohol or tobacco cannot be used as prizes


      • Marketing cannot include any alcohol or tobacco references including any sponsors


    • For events where money will be collected, organizers will need to meet with Business Office prior to approval


    • All events with food being served or food related fundraisers must follow food handling guidelines:


      • Are permitted to sell and/or serve non-potentially hazardous foods (examples include individually wrapped bagels, non-dairy or non-cream-filled baked goods like cookies, donuts or brownies, individually packaged chips or popcorn, and products that are made and contained by a licensed producer and are sold or served in the original container and do not require temperature control.


      • Individuals or groups wanting to serve or sell potentially hazardous foods will need to work with Western Food Service Staff to determine feasiblity


    • All events and Western participants will comply with the Student Code of Conduct


    • Any benefiting organization or group needs to be notified and approve the activity


    • Any printed use of Western logo or name in advertising must be approved by Marketing


  • Any marketing or publicity reference to Western must use Western rather than WTC

General Information

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Student, Faculty/Staff, Other
Email address must be of a valid format.
This field is required.
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Please identify the type of activity proposed
This field is required.
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For future date, type in date (YYYYMMDD)
This field is required.
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The building or location where the activity is being held

Contact Information

For this section, please enter the information for the student who will be lead contact for the project or event.

Involved party 1

Event Information

This field is required.
Is the event in partnership with another organization or on behalf of another organization? (If no, skip to next required question)(Required)
This field is required.
This field is required.
Who is responsible for planning the event?
You must make at least one selection.
What is type of activities will your group/club/organization be performing for the event? (Select all that apply)(Required)
You must make at least one selection.
This field is required.
What is your marketing plan (check all that apply)?(Required)
You must make at least one selection.
This field is required.
By checking this box, you are hereby agreeing that your instructor/advisor has approved the event and that the group/club/organization will follow and uphold the guidelines set forth above.(Required)
You must make at least one selection.
This field is required.

Supporting Documentation

Please include any supporting documentation you may have regarding the event (examples may include: flyers, agreements, project outline, etc.) 5GB maximum total size.
Attachments require time to upload, so please be patient after submitting this form.
