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Appeal Request Form

Directions and Process

The Xavier University Code of Student Conduct provides the opportunity for appealing a decision made by a hearing officer or board as the result of a conduct hearing. An appeal is not a re-hearing and is not granted on the basis of disagreement with the decision of the original hearing. If a student wishes to submit an appeal, the appeal must be submitted within five business days of the receipt of the Hearing Outcome Letter date. A “business day” is defined as any day that is not a weekend or a University or National Holiday.

For comprehensive information on the appeal process, please refer to the online Student Handbook, Section 3.6.7, “Appeals.”

Important details for completing this appeal form will be contained within the Hearing Outcome Letter. Please take note of the Case Number, the Hearing Level (Level One or Level Two), the letter's issuance date, as well as the specific charges and/or sanctions that will be appealed.

A student may only appeal on the basis of the following grounds:

1. Denial of the elements of a fair hearing
2. Finding(s) not supported by evidence
3. Sanction(s) imposed are substantially outside the parameters or guidelines set by the University for the type of offense or the cumulative
conduct record of the Responding student
4. New information to present that was not available at the time of the hearing, and that may have a bearing on the original decision

Appeal reviewers are dictated by the following conditions:

• Level Two Hearings: Director of Student Integrity or designee
• Level Two Hearings resulting in high level sanctions: University Appeal Board or designee
• Level One Hearings: University Appeal Board or designee

Please complete all fields and the narrative section to initiate the appeal process.

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Refer to Hearing Outcome Letter (top section). This number follows REGARDING CASE NUMBER.
Email address must be of a valid format.
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Please enter your Xavier email for a copy of this form submission.
This field is required.
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Refer to your Hearing Outcome Letter (referenced in first sentence of first paragraph).
This field is required.
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Refer to your Hearing Outcome Letter. This date is in the top left hand corner of the letter.

Student Information

Involved party 1

Appeal Questions & Narrative

Please answer questions and complete narrative to the best of your ability.

Please indicate the ground(s) for your appeal:(Required)
You must make at least one selection.
This field is required.

Supporting Documentation

Attach any documents or materials you wish to provide with your appeal. 5GB maximum total size.
Attachments require time to upload, so please be patient after submitting this form.
